Thursday, June 28, 2012

The saga continues - part four

Of one thing I am absolutely sure:  I'm right where I'm supposed to be.  While it's not a comfortable place, it's a good feeling.  A weird sort of confidence, of sorts.  I love my church, the pastors, the people, the teaching.  The sermons were/are proof positive that it's the right place for me.

While I may feel despair at times, I know not all hope is lost.  It's in God's hands.  I am discouraged and encouraged.  There are lots of up and downs in my world, but I know God's with me every step of the way, and he's SPEAKIN'!

Just get on with the story already, right?

So I listened to the sermon on rest, knowing it's a message for me.  (Did I mention I bawled like a fool?  And that each sermon has had these killer testimonials from someone in our body?  It's so excellent.)  I know I'm supposed to rest, and I'm making efforts to do so.  I've scheduled the babysitter.  

After church, someone comes up to me and hands me a card.  I don't open it immediately as I was in group conversation, but later I open the envelope to find a note explaining that they wanted to offer to watch my kids weekly this summer but schedule conflicts made it not possible so instead here's some cash for a sitter. And I don't mean $20 bucks.  I mean, enough for a good portion of the summer's Date Nights with myself.

Are you getting goose bumps yet?  I think a prayer was just answered.

There is now NO REASON why I can cancel out on myself (except illness but I'm thinking more of financial reasons.)  No bicycles to buy, vacations to fund, swimming lessons to pay for.  It's earmarked money.  In a way, I'm obligated.  The gift was intended for a specific purpose.  This is the provision my friend prayed for.  I'm floored.  And grateful.  And humbled.  And awed. God is good.

But that's not the end of the story. Praise God!

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