Tuesday, March 29, 2011


**Wow. Ok, just saw this post that I started and them FAILED to post. Ugh. Hate that. So Now I'm finishing it and posting it. Yay for me. Or whatever. Originally intended post date 3/29, actual post date 5/19. Oops.

So, sin.

It's gross.

That is all.

Thank you for reading.


 haha. You know I have more to say about it than that.

"Sin is

supplementing ourselves

with what we believe God is deficient in giving us." ~Brenda Gatlin (I think)

gasp. ugh.

Doesn't that make you recoil a little bit?

What do you "supplement" with, instead of going to God?

I have a long, long list, sadly. Food and Facebook being at the top. And it seems that I never actually end up making it to Him. sigh. I feel a lot of guilt and shame for this. I make excuses. I get frustrated at my very real challenges to this. I don't have time, I'm constantly interrupted. And I allow myself to be and stay that way. Blech. But thinking about it this way, that I don't believe God is sufficient. Man. That kinda makes me stop dead in my tracks.

I want Him.

So why do I chose everything else? Answer's not good, I'm afraid. I think, ultimately, in this way, I don't really trust him to be there. Yep. Pretty suck-o.

Takes all the fun out of spending hours on Facebook or multitasking FB and eating 12 cookies while on Facebook. Cuz now you know you should be spending it with him. And not eating 12 cookies.... guilt.

So, what are YOU supplementing yourself with? How (do you think) is God deficient for you?

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